From an ancient remedy to a modern Marvel: Spotlight on Pomegranate and introducing our new ingredient FSS Pomeashield

Hello there!

Did you know that out of all the fruits, there is one fruit that has stood the test of time and earned its crown as the ultimate skin savior? Yes, I am talking about the red-jewel of fruits, Pomegranate! From ancient medicinal remedies to modern skin protector, pomegranate has served it all. But why is it hyped; you may ask! It is because, this fruit holds a key to unlocking radiant, youthful and vibrant skin.

Pomegranate is not only rich in improving our gut health, but is also an antioxidant that has immense benefits to offer to our skin. Has anyone of us heard of polyphenols? Well, pomegranate gets its antioxidant property from them. Basically, pomegranates contain high levels of polyphenols including punicalagin, ellagic acid, gallotannins, anthocyanins, and other flavonoids. The phenolic hydroxyl groups of polyphenols can decrease levels of free radicals and can also be used as scavengers to inhibit or eliminate the formation of free radicals. Free radicals: The unstable oxygen molecules releasing high oxidative stress responsible for skin aging. They also have the ability to mitigate senescence formation which further effects positively on skin aging and other age-related concerns.

Cellular senescence is a process that involves permanent cell cycle arrest. Senescence cells have the ability to disrupt the functioning of other cells and tissues, by decreasing the collagen and elastin fibers, responsible for firmness and elasticity of the skin. Therefore, by targeting senescent cells, we can reduce the signs of aging.

To continue with, If I were to describe this upcoming ingredient in one line, it would be "A powerhouse of anti-aging properties”. We do not want to keep you waiting any further, let us jump in straight towards this super(food)skincare solution.

FSS PomeaShield

In today's world, where sustainability and transparency are highly valued, FSS PomeaShield takes a Cradle-to-Cradle approach, setting the stage for brands to earn customer trust while contributing to the sustainability movement. Formulator Sample Shop has ingeniously harnessed the power of the entire pomegranate, reduced waste while extracting precious pomegranate polyphenols that will leave our skin glowing. FSS PomeaShield can effectively combat the signs of aging by targeting those pesky senescent cells. We all know that the accumulation of these cells can speed up the aging process, leading to a decline in both skin appearance and barrier function. But worry not! This innovative ingredient technology comes to the rescue, boosting fibroblast elastin synthesis to maintain the skin's structural integrity.

Exclusive benefits

o  FSS PomeaShield is an antioxidant and anti-aging powerhouse ingredient.

o  The antioxidant polyphenols scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) to help prevent premature aging.

o  It employs polyphenols to delay senescent cells which contribute to cellular aging.

o  It helps to increase elastin synthesis in fibroblasts which is key to the skin’s structural integrity.

o  Additionally, it capitalizes on a strong sustainability story with a Cradle-to-Cradle approach.

Therefore, FSS PomeaShield is not just a beauty enhancer but also a sustainable choice to incorporate in our everyday skincare ritual. Now, let us raise a glass (of pomegranate juice, ofcourse!) to this exquisite ingredient and indulge in its richness!

Do not forget to check out the brand-new ingredient only on Formulator Sample Shop! See you soon with yet another skincare revolution.